
Showing posts from November, 2019


Today I felt like sharing this.  I found out/realized/enlightened, whatever you want to call it, that everyone (can I generalise), everyone in the corporate world is a selfish person.   If you say, no I am doing things for the company, I am not selfish.  Yes you are.  You are only doing what you are paid for.  You won't go the extra mile to help others. And whatever bosses ask you to do, it is for their own benefit.  To prepare for their meeting.  To come out with projections for their own discussion.  You are just a slave to your boss.  Nothing more, nothing less. Perhaps when the company offer you some benefits, like medical insurance, dental, spectacles allowance, you will like the company care for you.  But in actual truth, if you are sick with a disease and can no longer function the way you did before, the company would kick you out no time.  Selfish?  Yes.  As they don't want to keep paying for a s...