To sum up the whole first trimester
Week 1-4 I didn't expect to get BFP this cycle as I didn't know when I have ovulated because as usual the positive OPK did not coincide with temp rise but when my temperature remains high after CD31, I decided to not wait until CD36 to test and tested on CD33 instead. Got an instant BFP on both types of POAS. Week 5-8 Was very nervous and anxious because of my past miscarriage. Praying hard to get through 8 weeks. Morning sickness had hit. Not as bad as what Princess Kate has but was bad enough to stop me from performing at work. It can hit anytime but still controllable as in I managed to run to the toilet each time I feel like gagging. Decided to see doctor and get anti-nausea pill, Maxalon. First visit to the ObGyn was great. Heartbeat at 100bpm at Week 6 and 174bpm at Week 8. Week 9-12 The worse week was at Week 11. Maybe because baby is positioning itself from the pubic bone to lower abdomen. Stomach was unc...