Update on my first 3rd trimester scan

Yesterday was my first 3rd trimester scan.  The wait was 4 hours just to see the Obgyn for 5 minutes.  Sigh...and this has to continue until I give birth.  

Good news is my glucose test is clean.  Yay!  I don't have diabetes and I am just so delighted!  Even the Obgyn.  But he did tell me that doesn't mean I can go on a food binge.  Not that I would though, but at least I won't deny myself all the drinks I have been craving.  

Baby is growing well.  1.2kg now.  Short thighs though...maybe my genes.  Enough amniotic fluid.  So doctor said all is well.  Phew!

From now onwards, it's bi-weekly checkup.  I don't really enjoy the 4 hours wait, but what to do.  He is a very busy doctor.  

As for me, I am getting bigger by the day and now I can't sit on the floor anymore.  It has to be on a chair and better if there's a stool to support my feet or if I can sit cross-legged on the sofa.  Much, much comfortable.

I am so thankful for the maternity pillow that I bought.  It's truly a life saver.  I have been sleeping like a baby, though waking up few times to pee at night.  But still, it's just so comfortable.  To all mothers-to-be, please invest in one.  You won't regret it.  Touch wood, I don't have backache.  Hopefully this will be it until I deliver.

So far the only annoying symptoms that I have is lots of phlegm in my throat and blocked nose and that annoying pulsation in my right ear, which the Obgyn said it's normal due to the extra pressure and pumping that my heart is doing for the sake of baby.  It's getting louder as the pregnancy progresses and sometimes I feel like I can't hear with my right ear because all I hear is thump, thump, thump.

Other than that, so far so good.  Hope everything is well.  I still don't have any craving for any particular food.  But drink wise, any flavoured cold drinks, any time.  


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