Hand, Foot, Mouth Disease (HFMD)
I guess being a mother tends to expose you to outbreaks in an unexpected ways. Whether it is HFMD, chicken pox, measles or what not, these are the times when your motherhood skills get tested to the max. My girl has unfortunately contracted the HFMD after 2 days of free trial pre-school class. Again, I am not keen to name the school for privacy reason and the reason I am writing this is not to complain about them. She came home with a slight fever on the second and last day of the trial class. Then the fever escalated and became higher and she was very cranky and clingy and all that. By midnight, she suddenly broke into hives. I think I have mentioned about this in the previous post. The next day (Thurs), I brought her to the clinic to check out and doctor said it was viral fever. But on the following day (Fri), her feet had few blisters, her hands had some and her mouth had few. Thank God it was very mild episode of HFMD....