Year 2015 in review
I don't know why I had such a hard time writing Year 2015 in review. I guess mainly there was nothing major that happened except that I fell pregnant and it covered most of my 2015. So, I don't feel like repeating myself of what happened in first or second trimester. There were ups and downs, just like always. What I find different this year, besides being pregnant, is that people around us are kinder when they see our big stomach. Even strangers would talk to us. Since it's the first pregnancy that made it so far, everything is so new to me. Year 2015 has been a learning year. So much to learn about cloth diapers, breastfeeding, being pregnant, labour and delivery. Also about gynaes and what to do and what not to do. What to eat and what not to eat. On Christmas Day, I finally let the cat out of the bag by posting a photo of us on Facebook. Yeah, the 8 months pregnant me. And there were many, many likes and...