Drop in already low supply
Sigh. It has happened. Usually, mothers reported a drop in supply when they have their period. This is not the case for me though, but my supply has dropped today. Dropped half oz every pump. It's bad.
I thought I was a just enougher but now I am going to low supply.
I can only analyze what happened. It all started this week. Baby was sick last week and there was additional bottles of milk in the fridge as she didn't have much appetite. Because of that, I became lazy to pump and dragged my pumping session as mentioned in my previous post. That's a very bad move. Sob sob.
On top of that, I thought that since my supply has been established, even if I drop a pumping session or shorten it, I should still get the same yield. I was doing power pumping every lunch hour while having my lunch or tapao my lunch. But this week, I decided to pump only 30 minutes instead of the 40 minutes power pump and have lunch with my colleagues again. But no....it's not good.
This week also I started seeing leaks on my t'shirt which had never happened before. I take that as a positive sign that my milk supply is good and steady. Wrong, wrong.
Also, I was waking up at 5.30am to power pump every morning. Most of the time, baby will be fast asleep. This whole week, she woke up together with me, making me wondering if I should power pump or direct latch her and ended up latching her because she doesn't like seeing me pumping. And to add on, she even pooped at 6am, making me having to cut short my pumping session.
And I found out that baby is a lazy latcher. She just want for comfort and not for milk. Many times she suckled and when pulled away, my milk started trickling.
To make things worse, I hardly drank water yesterday.
This week also I had a milk blister on my lazy right breast that was super painful. I think because I dragged the pumping session, my breasts became engorged and I wasn't able to clear it properly and hence the milk blister. And now my top producer left breast has also decreased. I felt a lump yesterday and kept on massaging. The lump disappeared and so is my milk supply. Yikes!
Also this week, I think I have additional stress. The new apartment is under renovation and lots of ding dong with the contractor. The tenant wants to view the apartment ASAP but I haven't gotten it done. There's just so much to do all at the same time.
Also this week, I began to follow up on baby's insurance claim. And was so worrying because I accidentally photocopied the wrong receipt for my copy and I have already submitted the original.
And today my supply is dropping and I am not happy. No no.
Now I have to go back to my daily power pumping. I was power pumping every morning at 5.30am and every lunch time. That means I power pump twice a day. Looks like I have to stick to this routine only. Until at least 6 months. The most 10 months to 1 year.
I hope the decrease is only today. Tonight I am going to take all the milk boosters out there. And I am going to drink lots of water. Already drank 1 ltr from morning till afternoon. Let's see if I can drink another 2 ltrs.
My Malay colleague who is fasting reported an increased in her yield. While I have a decrease and I am not even fasting. Help!
My Malay colleague who is fasting reported an increased in her yield. While I have a decrease and I am not even fasting. Help!
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