Week 40
So, it's Week 40 today. She is supposed to make her appearance soon, but still no sign of contractions.
On Sunday night, I had period cramps every 30 minutes or so and thought it was time. Turns out it was Braxton Hicks. Yup throughout pregnancy, no sign of BH and now at the end, it decided to come and trick me.
I tried natural induce yesterday, by doing butterfly yoga pose and nipple stimulation. Butterfly pose was still ok. But the nipple stimulation gave me painful but short and fake contractions. Bad idea.
In the end, everything stopped.. No contractions, no period cramps, nothing. Quiet as can be except baby still happily nesting inside with a naughty chuckle, thinking to herself, I am still comfortable here inside.
Baby, if you are not out naturally by 28, doctor would force both of us, making things uncomfortable for you and me, both. If you are a good girl and considerate, please come out on your own soon, before that. Because by hook or by crook, doctor would induce on 28. You have 2 more days to decide.
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