
The first movement was felt at about Week 19.  It was like butterflies in the stomach and flutterings.  At Week 20, the movement became more active and I am more aware of it now.

I tried my best not to tell my colleague who has been trying for years to TTC, too much about pregnancy and whatever I am going through.  I could feel she is not very comfortable with it.  I can understand.  I was also like that in that stage when someone was pregnant, it felt like stab in my back.  But it's true that only a pregnant woman would know what is going through and no matter how much telling and talking, the other person who has never been pregnant would not understand it.

Like, there was a friend who was never pregnant and told me that morning sickness is all in my mind.  Oh well.  Only if you have experience it, you would know how true it is.

Like, those who never went through a pregnancy told me to eat for 2, or to eat and not starve.  But there comes a time when eating was such a chore especially in the first trimester, that no amount of food could go in.  

I don't expect the whole world to suit my condition and stage I am in right now.  Like I don't expect priorities in getting in queue or getting a seat in the LRT.  Maybe because I am in my second trimester and I still feel ok.  I can stand for a long time.  I can go on my knees to clean the floor.  I can climb on a chair to hang some wall decorations.  But I don't expect people to give way to me just because I am pregnant.  It could be of course wonderful if people start giving me priority.  But yeah.

Anyway, I digress.  So yesterday night, the kicking was more intense.  So much so that when I placed my hand on my stomach, I could feel the kicks.  And I placed my husband's hand on my stomach for him to feel.

It's so surreal now.


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