The dreaded GTT

I am due for the dreaded Glucose Tolerance Test (GTT) tomorrow.  I didn't realised that not all pregnant women have to go through it if it doesn't show up in their urine or blood earlier.  I have no idea why my Obgyn ordered this test for me because my urine has been ok so far.  Most probably it's because I put on 3kg within the last 1 month and my family history.

I am not sure what to expect.  I will probably tell you more about it when I come back.  Pray hard that I don't have gestational diabetes.

Why is it a dreaded GTT when I haven't even done it before?  Well, I heard horror stories about it.  Like how sickly sweet the glucose drink was.  And some drink until want to puke.  And on top of that you can't eat anything after you drink it and you have to wait 2 hours for them to test you.  

I took a day's leave to do this test because I don't know how I will be after the test.  

Oh well, when you gotta do it, you gotta do it.  Hopefully it's all clean and I don't have to do a repeat test.  Please, please, please.


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